15 Recommended Isra Mi’raj Words and Speeches 2021.

15 Recommended Isra Mi'raj Words and Speeches 2021.
Sejumlah rekomendasi kata-kata dan ucapan Isra Mi'raj 2021 bisa jadi pilihan untuk menjalin persaudaraan Muslim di momen peringatan Isra Mi'raj tahun ini. (Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Abriawan Abhe)

Isra Mi’raj Words and Speeches:

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – One of the historic and meaningful moments in the journey of Islam is Isra Mi’raj. Prophet Muhammad SAW through a trip to meet Allah SWT who later gave birth to a number of revelations.

Every year, Muslims commemorate Isra Mi’raj as a national holiday. A number of sayings by Isra Mi’raj can be conveyed to fellow Muslims who commemorate them.

List of Speech Words of Isra Mi’raj
The commemoration of Isra Mi’raj itself is a form of appreciation for the spiritual journey of Muhammad SAW. Basically, Isra Mi’raj’s words are tinged with praise to the Prophet, as follows:

1. “In fact there is no better role model than the Prophet. Congratulations on the commemoration of Isra Mi’raj, may we always be in the spirit of faith and Islam”

2. “Take advantage of this holiday to emulate the Prophet Muhammad SAW who never stopped getting closer to Allah SWT. Congratulations on the commemoration of Isra Mi’raj, my Muslim brother”

3. “Isra Mi’raj always reminds us how much the Messenger of Allah loves his people, until now. Happy Isra Mi’raj, hopefully we will always follow in the footsteps of the Prophet in becoming Muslims”

4. “Leaving prayer is proof of how we disappointed the Prophet Muhammad SAW who had been through the Isra Mi’raj journey. Today, I would like to say congratulations to commemorate Isra Mi’raj to my Muslim friends”

5. “Happy Isra Mi’raj Day 1442 H. Hopefully every year we are motivated to become good Muslim successors to the Prophet.”

6. “Take advantage of Isra Mi’raj’s commemoration moment to become a better person from day to day. The struggle of the Prophet must always remind us to be on the path of taqwa”

7. “In times of uncertainty, one thing is certain. He is the example of the Prophet who can always be our guide in living life. Congratulations on the commemoration of Isra Mi’raj Day 1442 H.”

8. “Let’s increase the brotherhood of Muslims, together become the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW who are kind and always devoted to the Creator. Happy day Isra Mi’raj 1442 H.”

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