Hugues Aufray in great shape at 91: his young partner Muriel “helps him a lot”

Hugues Aufray in great shape at 91
Hugues Aufray in great shape at 91

Although he has led a healthy life for many years, Hugues Aufray can count on Muriel, his young partner, who follows her wherever he goes, to help him on a daily basis.

Hugues Aufray About:

Don’t tell him to take it off, he won’t listen to you! While the viewers of France 2 will find Hugues Aufray this Thursday, December 31 on the occasion of The great evening of the 31 in Versailles, the interpreter of Santiano gave an interview to We cult, during which he confided on the secrets of his eternal youth. The 91-year-old singer leads the life of a young man alongside Muriel, his very helpful young partner.

Hugues Aufray assures him, in order to stay young “there is no secret”. “I led a normal life, I do not drink alcohol, where I hardly quit smoking early enough as soon as I understood that this is the last stupid thing we can do,” said the 91-year-old singer with We Worship. I have a healthy life, I live with a young woman who helps me a lot. She follows me on tour, she is skilled in digital technology, computers, everything that is a bit difficult for me. “If for him there is no question of talking about retirement, the musician revealed to our colleagues that he still has full of ideas behind my head: “I still have lots of things to say, records, paintings, sculptures to make.”

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Can’t wait to go on tour again
Living proof of the popular adage “youth is in the head”, Hugues Aufray is in a hurry: to go on tour again. “I hope that all this will go back, entrusts the singer to We Cult before announcing his return on stage at La Seine Musicale on April 17,” if things return to more or less normal. “His show entitled Eternal Return will be in the same spirit as the previous one, The Visitors of an Evening, where he had wandered through France “with moderate prices.” Hugues Aufray, whose desire to sing abroad abandoned him, did not now have only one wish, that of occurring only in France.