Coronavirus: How is Israel leading the world in vaccinating against COVID 19?

Coronavirus How is Israel leading the world in vaccinating against COVID 19

Covid 19 vaccine:

Currently, the proportion of Israel leading the world in vaccinating against COVID 19 is the highest in the world.

Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been campaigning for a vaccination campaign in his country, and Israel is now the country with the largest population in the world. Have been vaccinated to keep.

In the first two weeks of the vaccination campaign, more than 1.5 million Israelis have received the first dose of the vaccine in the form of a vaccine (according to Our World in Data), an Oxford University organization. Has been vaccinated for the first time).

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As of January 3, 14 out of every 100 people in Israel have received the first vaccine, according to Our World in Data.

The vaccination rate in Israel is four times higher than in the second-ranked country, Bahrain, which is even higher than in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other European countries. Israel is the third-largest recipient of vaccine food, followed by China and the United States.

Israeli media analysts say several factors are contributing to this success.

With a population of nine million geographically, Israel does not face any major transportation problems in transporting vaccines from one place to another across the country.

The government had planned to deliver and vaccinate the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines several months before they were developed, approved, and procured.
Membership in the health insurance system is mandatory for all Israeli citizens. The system has a network of clinics and hospitals in different parts of the country. The system has extensive vaccination experience thanks to the best digital systems, especially in newborns and older children.

Pfizer, whose vaccination is being used primarily for immunization, sees Israel, which has a multi-ethnic population, as “a kind of laboratory,” according to Miraf Erlosorov, a columnist for the Israeli newspaper The Marker. Its highly organized data can be easily presented to convince the world.

“Israel has become a pilot project for rapid vaccination,” writes Nadav Ayal, an analyst at the popular Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

Despite initial concerns about the vaccination, a large number of Israelis have gone out for vaccination, including medical staff, people over the age of 60 and those currently suffering from a serious illness. Yes, they are being vaccinated on a priority basis during the first campaign.

Israeli Health Minister Yuli Edelstein predicts that all those in need in Israel will be vaccinated by April, which will allow the government to restore economic activity and restore normal social and cultural activities. Will be able to start.

Israel is currently experiencing a surge in the number of people infected with COVID-19, which has led to a competition between the number of infected people and the number of vaccinated people, which is being discovered in the UK. The new version of the virus has become more complex.

The government is currently closing shops and banning more than a certain number of people from gathering in one place, while implementing a nationwide lockdown for the third time as it recorded 8,000 new cases a day. are going to.

Another factor complicating the situation is the situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where the number of people infected with COV-19 is increasing, but they do not have access to vaccines.

Palestinian Authority officials say they are trying to get vaccinations from Russia with the help of the World Health Organization’s Kovacs (Kovacs), which provides low-cost vaccinations to help low-income countries. )۔ However, it is not yet known when vaccinations will be available in these areas.

Kovisk is responsible for vaccinating only 20% of the population of a low-income country.

The unavailability of vaccinations in the Palestinian territories will have a direct impact on Israel’s public health, where thousands of Palestinian workers go to Israel every day in search of work and work in many West Jordanian ghettos.

Israeli human rights activists say that because of Israel’s effective control of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel, as an occupying power under international law, has a responsibility to provide vaccines to the population of the occupied territories.

“Israel has a legal, moral and humanitarian responsibility to provide vaccinations to the Palestinian population,” the moderate Israeli daily Heritz wrote in an editorial last month.

The newspaper also hinted that daily contacts between Palestinians and Israelis meant that “the epidemic in the state of Israel cannot be eradicated as long as it continues to spread rapidly in those areas.” Which become its responsibility.

Israeli Deputy Health Minister Yoo Kish told a state broadcaster, Kan, last month that Israel would consider helping the Palestinians if it had an overdose of vaccinations.

“If we see that Israel’s needs have been met and that we have more capacity, we will definitely consider helping the Palestinian Authority,” Cash said. Israeli citizens will be the first priority.