Donald Trump’s Impeachment: The US President has been impeached, but can he forgive himself?

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Yesterday, US President Donald Trump was re-impeached. He became the first president in US political history to be impeached twice. In the midst of all this, media reports have raised the question of whether President Trump can forgive himself before the end of his term.

Donald Trump has been accused of “inciting a coup” after Trump supporters stormed the Congress building last week, prompting the House of Representatives to fire people with false allegations of rigging the presidential election. He was charged with inciting violence.

Republican President Trump is now facing trial in the upper house, the Senate, but not before Wednesday when he will step down as President, and Joe Biden, a Democrat, will be sworn in.

Can Trump forgive himself?

According to media reports, President Trump has spoken to his close associates about the possibility of pardoning himself in the last days of his presidency.

Read More: The day when US President Donald Trump is finally leaving the White House

President Trump is already facing a number of charges, including an investigation by New York state officials into whether he tried to mislead tax officials.

Can the President forgive himself?

The short answer is that nothing can be said clearly, given the few words in the Constitution and its wide application, and the fact that no American president has ever done so. ۔

Some legal experts have said in the past that this could not be the case, citing the Justice Department’s opinion that preceded the resignation of former US President Richard Nixon. He could not forgive himself.

Who gave this opinion on the basic principle of law that no person can judge his case. However, some experts also say that the Constitution does not rule out the possibility of pardoning oneself.

Earlier, the President was accused of securing his election with the help of Ukraine. The Senate acquitted the President.

He is now the first president in US history to face a Senate hearing on two charges.

What will happen next?

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

If Trump is convicted in the Senate, lawmakers will have to vote on another resolution that would disqualify President Trump for life.

President Trump, who has hinted at running in the 2024 presidential election, will no longer be eligible for public office or run for office for the rest of his life after the resolution is passed. This will be the most serious consequence of the impeachment of President Trump.

Suppose the President is found guilty by the Senate. In that case, the resolution disqualifying him for any ‘high, honest, and lucrative position in the United States’ will only be passed by a simple majority.

For those in the Republican Party who want to run for President four years later and who don’t want to see President Trump in the party, this could be a good opportunity to remove a stone from their path. ۔

But that is not possible before Trump’s presidency expires.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said a fair and impartial hearing against President-elect Joe Biden is unlikely to be completed before Biden is sworn in, so it is important to focus on a peaceful transfer of power. To be given

President Trump’s possibility of depriving him of all the privileges granted to any former president under the 1958 Former Presidents Act, including pensions, health insurance, and taxpayers, is also being debated. Lifelong personal security with money.

If President Trump is found guilty after leaving office, he will have the privilege of receiving all these privileges.

A senior Democrat says his party may not send impeachment charges to the Senate for hearing until Biden’s 100 days in office.

In that case, President Biden will have the opportunity to have his cabinet approved by the Senate and clarify and implement his policy on the coronavirus‘s key issues. Otherwise, the Senate will have to abandon all important matters and hear the impeachment.

After the second impeachment of the President, all eyes are now on the Senate. The question is whether a two-thirds majority in the Senate would agree to remove the President.

That would require 17 Republicans to vote against President Trump. According to the New York Times, at least 20 Republicans have indicated they will vote to convict the President. Still, it is not clear when the Senate will take action.