So the new US President rearranged the Oval Office

new US President rearranged the Oval Office
Doug Mills / imago images / ZUMA Wire

US President:

Trump had a picture of a controversial predecessor, Biden replaced it with busts of civil rights activists: the President had the Oval Office redecorated – also as a sign of a different policy.

After Donald and Melania Trump moved out of the White House, there were not only new beds and mattresses (read more about the procedures for a change of government here). The new US President Joe Biden immediately gave the Oval Office a new look.

Freshly moved in

Joe Biden’s Oval Office

Biden had the study completely redecorated in many places. Also, the visible indications and indications that after four years in the office of the autocratic Trump a new wind and a different political culture are entering the White House:

The so-called Resolute Desk:

You can now see pens and a coffee cup and saucer on the desk. Trump, on the other hand, preferred to drink diet cola. Apparently, there was a button on the table so that someone could always be called when he wanted a soda. On the left, you can see the executive orders with which Biden revised his predecessor’s decisions on the very first day.

Benjamin Franklin:

Biden had a portrait of the US Founding Father hung up. He traded it for a Trump-elected painting showing controversial former President Andrew Jackson. During his tenure (1829 to 1837) Jackson had ensured the expulsion of the indigenous population from their tribal areas.

Harry Truman:

The bust with the former President (term of office from 1945 to 1953) is under the painting by Benjamin Franklin. Truman had begun to end racial segregation in the military in 1948.

Cesar Chavez:

The bust of the union leader and civil rights activist (1927 to 1993) is in the middle of some family photos of the Biden. He campaigned for better conditions for farmworkers in the United States, many of whom come from Latin America. Trump was an opponent of migration.

US Flag:

A flag with the presidential seal: it was also set up instead of the military flags.

The US flag can now be seen behind the desk, the so-called Resolute Desk. At Trump, there were flags of military units.

Family photos:

At least one of the many pictures shows Biden’s deceased son Beau. Biden has repeatedly emphasized how important his family is to him.