Amanda Lear shock: “The microphone got into my butt.

Amanda Lear shock:
Amanda Lear

Amanda Lear gave moments of unparalleled hilarity during the transmission conducted by Serena Rossi Secret Song. The French artist returns to Italy after a long absence from our country and is immediately a show giving the public real gems whether voluntary or not. The artist replied to the beautiful presenter who asked her who she expected to find on stage: “Usually they bring all the people you no longer wanted to see in your life”. And immediately after she spoke of her secret to always being ‘beautiful’: “My beauty secret is to put myself next to an ugly one”.

Amanda Lear guest of Serena Rossi gives a real show:

Amanda sits in the white armchair, center stage, to wait for what she will have to see. In the meantime, however, she bismiglia but not too much because she doesn’t escape the microphones: “How hot! But it’s dark … I can’t see anything. There’s this microphone … It got into my ass”. And again, after Serena Rossi asks her “Amanda are you excited?” The French artist replies: “Well … I’m actually starting to get a little sleepy”.

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