Gabrielle Union Celebrates National Husband’s Day – Check Out The Funny Post

Gabrielle Union Celebrates National Husband's Day - Check Out The Funny Post


Gabrielle Union celebrated National Husband’s Day. Check out the funny post that she shared in order to celebrate the occasion. ‘Happy #NationalHusbandDay Thank you for being the cactus. You the real MVP of the family. We ? u @dwyanewade’ Gabrielle captioned her post. RELATED: Twitter And Ultra Violet Wants The 29th of January To Be Gabrielle Union Celebration Day Someone said: ‘I’ll be anything I need to be for my family baby you know that.’ A commenter said: ‘Small shifts in our thinking and small changes in our emotional state can lead to massive alterations in our results. If you can change your mind, you can change your life. All you’re doing is programming your mind. This is the secret so many people overlook in life. The key to success is overcoming your self-limiting beliefs and aligning yourself with the energy you want in life. You truly can be, do and have anything you want?’ RELATED: Gabrielle Union Looks Ravishing In This Miu Miu Outfit – Check Out The Photos And Clip A fan said: ‘Dwyane Wade you are an AMAZING dad!!!’ and one other follower said: ‘Can’t be an MVP without a queen by his side ?. You two are a beautiful couple and AMAZING parents! ?’ Gabrielle Union   made fans happy with a brand new video featuring the cute  Kaavia James   . Check it out below. ‘@kaaviajames is consistent. 1 year later and ain’t nan thing changed I can’t stop watching this. It’s been a tough couple weeks… a timeline cleanser Love & Light good people. #BitsysChallenge @bitsysbrainfood #toddlerlife,’ she wrote. In other recent news,  Gabrielle Union    just praised an amazing young and talented poet. Check out her impressive message. ‘Today’s #WCW I want to celebrate in honour of #NationalPoetryMonth, @ajamonet. She is a poet, writer, lyricist, activist, and a voice we all desperately need. She is the youngest poet to become the Nuyorican Poets Café Grand Slam Champion at the age of 19, and is the last woman to have won this title since,’ Gabrielle began her post.


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