Kevin Smith has seen the first teaser trailer for Master of the Universe: Revelation, and he calls it F’ing phenomenal. Apparently we’ll see it soon. As any child of the 80s knows, the announcement that one of their favorite shows remembered with nostalgic fondness is being rebooted comes with the same mixed feelings as being told their dead cat is alive again but it came via Stephen King’s Pet Semetary. This time, it sounds like kevin Smith may be digging in a different graveyard.
With recent fare such as Thundercats Roar! being destroyed by fans of the original for going completely off grid in terms of style and tone, and, despite getting a much warmer response, the Netflix revival of She-Ra: Princess of Power still making too many changes to quite appease the old fan base, it was with a certain amount of trepidation that fans have approached the upcoming Masters of The Universe reboots. Yes, reboots, as there is more than one.
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Kevin Smith is behind the first of these, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, which seems to have so far kept the home guard fires burning, while pulling in interest from newer audiences. While the first images and toy line promotional bandwagon have been released, we are yet to see a trailer for the upcoming series.
Smith revealed this week that he has seen the first trailer, and seems to be more than happy with the results, which bodes well for those hoping for a return to the classic Eternia of the 80s. The original He-Man and The Masters of The Universe series ran from 1983 to 1985, ending after 130 episodes and millions of toy sales, but its legacy has endured a terrible, but cult classic, movie starring Dolph Lundgren, a couple of lukewarm reboots and decades of rumours of a new movie being in various stages of production but never quite coming to fruition.
Smith, who works as executive producer for the new series, which features the voice talent of Mark Hamill, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Lena Headey and Kevin Conroy among others, has always said he is a massive fan of the original series, and that Revelation is not so much a reboot as a continuation and climax to that show. In his recent Fatman Beyond podcast, Smith couldn’t heap enough praise on everything about the trailer he has seen, from the artwork, to the voice cast and the production, gushing that all in all it is “phenomenal”. Though, he didn’t cry this time. On the podcast, he had this to say.
“I saw the teaser trailer…which is f**king phenomenal. It’s about a minute and a half. They found a piece of music that is absolute mwha!… It’s wonderful. Like I know this f**king series in and out, and it made me go back and start watching it again…It’s a great spot. So I can’t say when you’re going to see it, but if I’m seeing it now, then it’s coming fairly soon.”
In the last few days, stills from what is assumed to be the said trailer have been released, and with the show set to debut on 23rd July, it isn’t too generous to expect the trailer to drop very soon.
Although there have been very few details released about the plot of the series, Smith has said that it is a “focusing on unresolved stories of the iconic characters, picking up where they left off decades ago.” For fans of the original, all of this seems like a very positive step towards what could turn out to be the best received reboot of a franchise seen the last decade, and a note to those looking to reboot other nostalgic series’ in future. This story orihinated at Fatman Beyond.
Topics: Masters of the Universe, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Kevin Smith Crying, Netflix, Streaming
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