Porsha Williams Is Telling Fans Her Complete Story – She Wrote A Book

Porsha Williams Is Telling Fans Her Complete Story - She Wrote A Book


Porsha Williams is telling fans her complete story. Check it out here. ‘You may know my story, but you don’t know my WHOLE story. Spotlights leave some things in the shadow. Soundbites, headlines, and rumors share only what sells. But there is so much more. And I finally get to share it with you IN MY BOOK. I wrote a book! #ThePursuitOfPorsha releases in November. Inside, I take you back to the beginning, long before the television cameras came my way. Growing up, finding faith, looking for love, searching for happiness… I get real about it all to give you a first-hand look at how I grew into my power and purpose… and to help you to find your purpose too,’ Porsha captioned her post. RELATED: Porsha Williams Shares Devastating News – Find Out What Happened She said: ‘Check my link in bio to pre-order your copy of #ThePursuitOfPorsha today! P.S. There will be a HUGE book tour! Stay tuned!’ Someone said: ‘Congratulations! I can’t wait to get my copy!’ and a follower posted this: ‘Definitely by taking other ppls empires ill tell u that much.’ RELATED: Porsha Williams Slams Pregnancy Rumors With Her Latest Video – See It Here One other follower said: ‘Make the book tour international! Come back to Toronto!! ❤️❤️’ and a commenter posted this: ‘Yesssss hunty! They better know the whole story! ❤️❤️’ One fan said this: ‘Omg yessssss! I will be getting mine! I can’t wait and congratulations! ??’ Porsha Williams   just revealed to her fans and followers that it’s a really good day to have a sale. Check out the post that she shared on her social media account. ‘IT IS A GOOD DAY TO HAVE A SALE AND FOR PAMPERED BY PORSHA TO BE VERIFIED!! Thank you for all the love and support of my sheet line ❤️❤️ To celebrate we are offering 10% off till MIDNIGHT! Use code VERIFIED at checkout! @pamperedbyporsha,’ Porsha captioned her post.


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