PlayStation Japan accidentally reveals Bluepoint Games acquisition

bluepoint tweet


PlayStation Japan’s Twitter account accidentally posted a tweet that the company has acquired Bluepoint Games. Bluepoint, an American studio founded in 2006, was behind the fantastic Demon’s Souls and Shadow of the Colossus remakes. 

Gaming industry insider Nibel spotted the tweet on Twitter and posted screenshots of the images. He also verified that these tweets were in fact real as they were still visible on Tweetdeck, albeit being taken down since. The tweet went out around the same time as PlayStation’s announcement that they had acquired Housemarque. apparently PlayStation Japan uploaded the wrong image with their first tweet on Housemarque’s acquisition, and it actually mentions a Bluepoint acquisition
— Nibel (@Nibellion) June 29, 2021

The image is closely identical to the one meant for Housemarque. The admin for the Twitter account was probably confused and uploaded the one meant for Bluepoint. If you look closely, you’ll even see that the image has the Demon’s Souls key art in the images of games in the background.
If this is true, then Bluepoint Games will be another one of the many great studios that are under PlayStation Studios. Will they be remaking legendary PlayStation games? Will they be making PlayStation exclusives? We don’t know yet, as of now. But with companies like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica Studios, and Insomniac, there is absolutely no stopping Sony from producing great first-party games in the future.
Given that the Bluepoint Games announcement image has leaked, then we can expect an official announcement about the acquisition soon.


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