Are You Also Confused About When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?

Are You Also Confused About When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

More and more people are shifting to a health-conscious lifestyle and looking for homemade and natural ingredients for that. And apple cider vinegar is one such thing that people consume and is said to have ‘n’ number of benefits.

Apart from cooking, apple cider vinegar is used for several other purposes. It is not just a good-to-go option for salads, but it also proffers perks by acting as a household cleaning agent. It is among the most-sought products when it comes to curing weight loss, hair fall, and/or skin-related issues. Almost every other article will mention its uses and benefits.

But, half-knowledge is always dangerous. This raises many questions, such as when to drink apple cider vinegar, the optimum way to have it, is it safe to consume or not, etc. If you’re also stuck in these questions, look no further as after going through this article, you’ll find all the answers.


Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is obtained when yeast and bacteria are added to the procured apple juice. While the sugar dissolved in it is turned into alcohol by adding yeast and bacteria, the element that turns it into exactly a vinegar is- acetic acid bacteria (emulsified through Gram-negative bacteria), which gives this juice the punch of pungency in texture, taste, and smell.

Are You Also Confused About When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Other than Acetic Acid Bacteria (AAB), lactic acid bacteria and polyphenolic compounds are also present in ACV. With 94 percent water and no fat and protein, its concentration is quite similar to that of any regular vinegar (except for balsamic vinegar).


When to drink apple cider vinegar or ACV and how to drink it are amongst the most searched queries on Google. You’ll find numerous results on the internet, out of which some would claim that it’s beneficial to drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach, while some will strongly recommend having it after meals. This opens room for doubts which often leave a person perplexed.

Apple cider vinegar is considered more of a traditional remedy than a clinically proven health beneficiary product. This is so as there isn’t much, in fact, any evidence to dig on which can prove how good it is for metabolism or regulating weight or blood sugar levels.

Nevertheless, a traditionally used medicine is also second to none. Apple cider vinegar works best if consumed before munching on a meal, especially before breakfast. Apart from enhancing the functionality of the digestive system, it is said to be a magical remedy for weight loss. But an argument that’s often presented to counter this is that having a glass of water before meals can make your stomach feel full. So while the credit might be given to apple cider vinegar, the actual working element is H2O, i.e., water. However, there are certain conditions in which consuming this vinegar can have fatal results. Scroll down a little to know about that. 

Moreover, when to drink apple cider vinegar actually depends upon the reason you’re using it. If you’ve got a sore throat, it is better to sip on ACV thirty minutes prior to going to bed as it has anti-inflammatory properties. However, having this so-called health potion after a meal may hamper the digestion mechanism and leads to delayed digestion.


One more thing has to be paid attention to all together with when to drink apple cider vinegar, and that is the appropriate quantity intake. There’s a common saying that excess of anything is harmful. So yes, apple cider vinegar can be consumed, but in a regulated quantity which is around 1 or 2 tbsp diluted in water on alternate days (one or two glasses a day are just more than enough). You’ll certainly find several results stating you can drink ACV regularly but as said before, let’s not forget that avarice is the root of all evils. So go gradually!

Moreover, consuming apple cider vinegar or ACV in excessive quantities can have unfavourable effects on the oesophagus pipe, teeth, and stomach as well.


Clinically the optimum way to intake apple cider vinegar or ACV is in “dilated/diluted form,” which means mixing it in fresh drinking water. Apple cider vinegar shouldn’t even be smelled directly, let alone consuming it. The reaction it causes when touched and/or consumed directly is quite unbearable and also has several ill effects.

Are You Also Confused About When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

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In fact, inflammatory effects have been reported if sipped on ACV without diluting it first. This can damage the oesophagus tube located in the throat, which is nobody’s first or even last choice.


With a long history as a traditionally used medicinal remedy, apple cider vinegar has been used for ages. However, its medical benefits aren’t backed by medical evidence, and this subject is still questionable. Some of the logically ascertained benefits of ACV are listed below:

Are You Also Confused About When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Digestion Enhancer: This solution, which gets its essence after its fermentation in two parts, has little concentrated probiotics. Hence, it can be beneficial for improving digestion (to be taken prior to a meal).
  • Keeps Sore Throat At Bay: ACV is also utilized for treating sore throat as it has anti-inflammatory properties, so if this is the case with you, you can have it (to be taken thirty minutes prior to going to bed at night).
  • Reduces Blood Sugar Levels: The polyphenolic compounds found in apple cider vinegar do best for keeping sugar in control by regulating insulin which is a determinant of blood sugar levels (to be taken prior to a meal).
  • Better Alternative For Skin Toner: WARNING- USE IT DILUTED! It is said to have skin replenishment properties and can be used as a toner after diluting with water.


I’ve previously discussed when to drink apple cider vinegar in this article. Now let’s consider the scenarios when it is not advisable to sip on ACV.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women must not drink apple cider vinegar, even diluted.
  • If you’re allergic to vinegar/apple cider vinegar or apple juice, better stay away from AVC.
  • As ACV reduces blood sugar levels, those who are diabetic and already taking medications for the same are advised to keep away from apple cider vinegar as it might adversely decrease sugar levels.
  • Apple cider vinegar is said to have elements that reduce potassium levels, so those who’re already low on potassium must steer away from this.


The two major mistakes that most people make without even realizing it while going for ACV are:-

  • Using or consuming apple cider vinegar directly or undiluted is next to dangerous.
  • Excessive use or consumption of ACV can lead to drastic effects such as delayed digestion, damage to the oesophagus pipe, pain in teeth, and irritation.


So far, this article has discussed all the ins and outs of apple cider vinegar and answered most raised queries related to it; a major one of them is: when to drink apple cider vinegar. It is strongly advised to consult your physician before including apple cider vinegar or anything in your diet plan and research yourself before you get lured away by the quick results it can deliver.