Ask the right questions to a PI lawyer before hiring him – Interview tips 

Interview tips

Injuries sustained in a car accident can be a painful, frustrating, and devastating experience. Are you someone who has lately suffered from a car accident or a slip and fall accident? If yes, you must be desperately searching for an experienced personal injury attorney who can walk you through the process of a personal injury claim. 

There are legal firms like Ladah Law Firm that help you with the best lawyers but there are a few interview questions that you should ask them before appointing them. Let’s check out the questions that you should ask a lawyer. 

  • Are you a specialist in practicing personal injury?

The first thing to ask the lawyer is whether or not he specializes in personal injury law or is a general law practitioner. There are several areas of the law and you would certainly want an expert who has ample experience in handling PI cases. Ask him specifically whether he has experience in handling your type of PI claim. What were the results of those cases?

  • What is the estimated time duration you may take to solve my case?

You would want to hire a lawyer who is efficient enough to solve your case and help you in obtaining the compensation that you deserve. In case the lawyer gives you a bigger time span than other attorneys, this can be a big issue. 

  • Do you try lawsuits in court or do you resolve most cases out of court?

This is one of those vital questions that most laymen forget to ask. The only way you can obtain the best dollars for your personal injury case settlement is by showing the insurance company that you’re ready to take the case to the court. You have to prepare for war if you want to get everlasting peace. In case you hire a lawyer who settles outside the court and never takes cases to the court, ask for a substantial rebate. 

  • What is your track record of settlements and verdicts?

The longer si the list of successful case results, the better it is for the potential client. The insurance companies working in your locality are all aware of which malpractice and PI cases actually reach the court and which don’t. They are very clever enough to utilize that information to determine your risk. One of the main queries an adjuster will ask a client is who is representing the plaintiff. 

  • Did you win any awards or honors?

You can’t forget the fact that you’re here in the market to hire the best lawyer, particularly when the injury is serious. One of the signs of hiring a top lawyer is checking the honors and awards that he has received from legal institutions. Another type of honor is the leadership of bar associations. 

Therefore, now that you know the questions that you should ask a personal injury lawyer, what are you waiting for? Meet some of the best lawyers in your area and start interviewing them to choose the best one.