Gabrielle Union Celebrates Dwyane Wade – Check Out Her Message

Gabrielle Union Celebrates Dwyane Wade - Check Out Her Message


Gabrielle Union just celebrated Dwyane Wade and she also made sure to drop a post on her social media account to show this to fans. Check it out below. ‘Got him!!! We were finally able to surprise @dwyanewade & truly celebrate him & all his accomplishments. Big thanks to @lobos1707 for the tacos and tequila! Perfect way to celebrate @dwyanewade success and partnership with the Utah Jazz!! #EveryoneIsFullyVaccinated #allforthepack ?@[email protected] @diegoosorio1,’ she captioned her post. RELATED: Gabrielle Union Shares Her Favorite Photos Of Her Mother – See Them Here Someone said; ‘Yes!!! Love you both! Congratulations again #teamwade #thewadeunion #teamoverthetop,’ and a follower posted this: ‘Bummed we missed it! So proud! Congrats again @dwyanewade @gabunion ❤️❤️?’ One commenter posted this: ‘Major! Congrats my brother and your Queen. Keep raising the bar?’ and a follower said: ‘Such a lovely idea! Congratulations Mr. Wade.’ RELATED: Gabrielle Union Offers Support To A Female Tap Dance Band Someone else said: ‘Well deserved! So glad @suehthom and her beautiful family could attend ??’ and a commenter posted this: ‘amazing, you are the best!’ A lot of people continued to praise the family in the comments. Gabrielle Union   revealed that her new book is available from now on. Check out the post that she shared on her social media account. ‘Because I had more s**t to say… My new book “You Got Anything Stronger?” is available for preorder now at the link in bio. #yougotanythingstronger #shitgotreal,’ she captioned her post. In other news,  Gabrielle Union was praising a very talented singer and you can check out who it is here. See her message below. ‘Today’s #WCW I am such a huge fan of; both as a person and as a professional – the beautiful and talented @AndraDayMusic. She is a singer, songwriter, and actress – and while being at the top of her game in all three categories, she still manages to be gracious an inspiration, and a ball of light,’ Gaby said.


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