Jinger Duggar Explains Why She Wears Pants Now In Spite Of Her Traditional And Religious Family’s Rules For Women!

Jinger Duggar Explains Why She Wears Pants Now In Spite Of Her Traditional And Religious Family's Rules For Women!


Despite her family’s long tradition, Jinger Duggar has reached her own conclusion when it comes to what it means to be a Christian woman. That being said, the reality TV star has decided that it is actually Okay for her to wear pants and studying the Bible carefully is what has helped her decide this! This and more is what Jinger Duggar wrote in her joint tell all book with husband Jeremy Vuolo. RELATED: Pregnant Kendra Caldwell’s Mom Slammed By Counting On Fans It really sounds like Jinger Duggar no longer lets her parents tell her how to dress in the name of their religion. In her book, The Hope We Hold: Finding Peace in the Promises of God, she shared that ‘I wanted to see if the convictions I had always held were true. I wanted to examine the reason why I believed what I believed, and if all those beliefs were supported by the Scripture. Growing up, I had this set of standards I took as givens. Now, as I examined and compared them to the scripture, my convictions were changing. Modesty is not about what you wear. It is about the position of your heart.’ In other words, Jinger has decided that her wardrobe has nothing to do with her faith so she’s begun to rock pants without a problem. RELATED: ‘Counting On’ Stars Joy-Anna Duggar And Austin Forsyth’s Shocking Living Conditions Exposed! ‘I wanted to follow what the Bible says, and as I searched the Scriptures for answers, I never found a single passage specifically forbidding women from wearing pants,’ she writes. Before this conclusion that she’s reached through extensive self study of the Bible, Jinger, just like her sisters, believed what her mom, Michelle Duggar told her that women and girls should always wear dresses or skirts and never pants. ‘My mom had dressed us in skirts and dresses, a standard that was taken from Deuteronomy 22:5 (ESV), which states, ‘A woman shall not wear a man’s garment,’ and I never questioned it. Modesty was a huge topic in our house, and we believed wearing skirts instead of pants was a central part of being modest,’ she recalls.


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