John Legend’s quietness on Chrissy Teigen’s embarrassment puts his image in danger

John Legend's quietness on Chrissy Teigen's embarrassment puts his image in danger


As his better half Chrissy Teigen’s image detonated into flares apparently for the time being after her past cyberbullying reemerged, John Legend kept his cool, deciding to keep quiet instead of offering his own examination or judgment.

It’s anything but a course brand master Eric Schiffer discloses to Fox News he would have exhorted Legend not to consider if the “Voice” mentor were his own customer. As per the creator and the administrator of Reputation Management Consultants, Legend’s “quietness even with Teigen’s severe assaults” focused on superstars like Courtney Stodden, just as supposed tormenting and abuse of style planner Michel Costello, “has resounded across Madison Avenue.”
“During a period where Chrissy was going through media examination for abuse of individuals like Courtney Stodden, Legend said nothing. Simultaneously, what that did is it made him further his image to adjust from numerous points of view with his wife’s,” Schiffer investigated in a meeting this week.
“John didn’t do the direct. However, he is stuck in this severe decision between his adoration for his better half and either his revulsion with her conduct or his secretly approving of it. Since he didn’t stand up immediately it makes the public miracle, would he say he was OK with it?”
In the same way as others, Schiffer said there’s a conspicuous clash for Legend as far as his dedication to his life partner and evening out his own qualities against that. Notwithstanding a likely problem for the vocalist, Schiffer said he would have educated Legend to “make some noise about this genuine test.”
“On the off chance that he does indeed differ with Chrissy’s conduct, talk openly about the way that you were stuck between a decision of needing to be faithful to your better half yet, in addition, going to bat for what you accept,” Schiffer said.
On Wednesday, barely a month since Teigen’s destruction started, Legend stood up interestingly, presenting a short depiction about how the “Desires” cookbook writer is doing in the midst of the aftermath.

“She’s doing incredible,” Legend disclosed to TMZ cameras Tuesday, one day after Teigen apologized in a long post for her hazardous tweets via web-based media, naming herself a “savage.”
Likewise, Legend named Teigen’s “Yearnings” image and gave Instagram watchers a sneak look at his and Teigen’s home office while directing an Instagram Live meeting with Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday.
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