League of Legends‘ Summer Event is coming next week, and it’s going to have rippling effects throughout Runeterra.
Dubbed the Sentinels of Light event, this event will have far-reaching consequences. According to Executive Producer Jessica “Safelocked” Nam in a recent Youtube video, League of Legends‘ Sentinel of Light will be canonical. Every bit new skin or cosmetics players gain from this event will have some repercussion to other Riot games set in Runeterra.
Continuing on from Viego’s arrival in Runeterra last January, Sentinel of Light’s story will have heroes trying to save the fate of Runeterra from the Ruined King. “This event will be a big one,” says Safelocked. “spanning across all the Riot games.”
While this event will indeed be big, just as how last year’s Spiritblossom event, fans shouldn’t expect all events moving forward to become like this. Safelocked says that since the fans enjoyed Spiritblossom’s interconnectedness, they’re applying it again this year. But Riot Games will instead have a different approach in each of its future League of Legends events. Hence, expect a different kind of event in Riot’s immediately succeeding events.
During the video, Riot games also revealed the new Ultimate Spellbook game mode where you can test out skill combos. Finally, new cosmetics will be appearing in the future, so keep a lookout for those as well.
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