10 Early Stage Signs Of Termites In Furniture: Know By Sight

10 Early Stage Signs Of Termites In Furniture Know By Sight

Dealing with termites is really a headache. But detecting the early stage signs of termites in furniture is a painstaking task in itself.

If not detected on time, you can expect to see your furniture in deteriorated condition in almost no time, and you don’t want that. But once you go through this article, you will be able to spot the termites’ issues just at a glance.

Termites live in colonies that are not easily visible to us. They have their own secret places where they hide and attack your furniture. That’s why it becomes a biting a bullet kind of task to make them go away from the house. However, certain alerts can be very helpful to you in spotting them and their actions. We will also discuss the best methods to safeguard your furniture from them because prevention is always better than cure.

So let’s start.

Early Stage Signs Of Termites In Furniture

Termites have a plethora of characteristics that make them identifiable and easy to spot at a glance. However, different types of termites exhibit different signs. For instance, drywood termites attack wood furniture, whereas Formosan termites attack the walls. Below are some signs that indicate that you have these small guests with destruction ability at your home:

1) Holes In Wood

Early Stage Signs Of Termites In Furniture

When termites feed your furniture, you will spot holes in it. These holes will be hollow and unstable. If you notice this, you must contact your nearby termite control professionals. Otherwise, the termites will gradually take your entire house under their feet.

2) Tap! Tap!

To identify termites, take a screwdriver and a flashlight. Turn off the lights so that it is easy to spot the termites. Now tap on your wooden furniture with the help of your hands and screwdriver so that you can make them empty their living place. Do the same to check the walls.

Termites also tend to create a sound, which can be another sign to detect if they are actually there or not. Try to listen to them with full focus, you might hear it. Also, keep your eyes open to check if there is any manifested waste the termites have left.

3) Frass

Frass/Termites Droppings

Termite droppings (or frass) are another sign confirming the termite clan’s arrival in your home. It appears dark brown in color and must be cleaned and removed; otherwise, it will attract other insects and spread a foul smell. If the wood has become weaker and falls or breaks upon mere tapping with a hand or screwdriver, it is one of the early stage signs of termites in furniture, and the same can be followed for walls as well.

4) Garden Damage

Subterranean termites or frass termites will attack your garden’s trees and wooden furniture. They will even mess up with the compost or soil. That can easily indicate that termites are slowly spreading in your estate. Furthermore, tree trunks and farm decorations are easier to detect for any harm.

5) Damaged Roof Tiles

Termites In Furniture Pictures

Wooden or cellulose roof tiles can become a favorite feast for termites, especially when wet. Looking for damage signs in roof tiles can be thus very effective in spotting termite threats early. It is advisable to get the roof tiles replaced as soon as you notice a termite attack.

6) Shedded Wings

Swarmers or flying termites shed their wings once they breed. So it’s likely to find their shedded wings on the floor or near ceilings or wooden decorations. These wings can be your cue to identify early-stage signs of termites in furniture.

7) Mud Tubes

How Long Can Termites Live In Furniture

Termites usually create a path (mud tubes) to search for food along their commute spaces. These tunnel-shaped tubes can be visibly spotted and are typically made of frass (termite droppings), wood, or dirt. Mud tubes clearly indicate termite infestation and should not be ignored.

8) Floor Degradation

If you’re a fan of wooden floors/partitions or ceilings, termites can be the uninvited guests at your home. Since they love to munch on wood, you might notice degradation to the floor. Make Sure to contact a pest control agency when you spot swollen floors, ceilings, shedded wings, holes or mud tubes near the floor, and wooden furniture.

9) Bubbling Of Paint

Early Stage Termites On Wood Furniture

Another early stage sign of termites in furniture is the bubbling of paint. Formosan termites are often the culprit behind bubbling and peeling paint. This happens because some termites live in moist places. So this can help you be ahead of time and safeguard your home from getting deteriorated.

10) Jammed Windows/Doors

Deposition of termites can also lead to jammed windows/doors. So keep a check, especially in winter, because it can be quite hard to tell whether the door is stuck due to termites or some other reason. Look for clues like frass, dropped wings, foul smell, mud tubes, etc.

How To Get Rid Of Termites

(a) Use Wet Cardboard

Wet the strips of cardboard and place them on the furniture you suspect termite growth. Because termites eat the wood, they will come to eat the cardboard. Since it will be wet, the termites won’t be able to leave it early, and you can simply take the cardboard out and leave it somewhere distant from your house. Bear in mind that this way, you can get rid of some termites but not all. That’s why you must rely on other methods to detect early stage signs of termites in furniture and get rid of termites.

(b) Nematodes

What Are Nematodes Used For

Nematodes are garden-spreading agents that can be spread into the garden. This agent eats up all the termites and insects in the soil or compost. It might take up to 2 days for nematodes to completely wipe off the termites from your home. These can be found at any local garden and must be used in the evening after sunset.

(c) Remove Mulch

Mulch contains wood peelings, tree bark, leaves, moss, compost, etc. Together, all this makes a fairly friendly atmosphere for termites to survive. So make sure you wipe off all the mulch from your entrance or backyard. Otherwise, they’ll gradually make your house a favorable home.

(d) Protect Furniture From Moisture

Should I Throw Away Furniture With Termites

Moisture can add to your troubles while trying to get termites out of the house. That’s why you are sure to keep your furniture free from moisture. For this ensure the rooms are well-ventilated and have access to the sunlight. Furthermore, using naphthalene balls in wooden cabinets, under the sofa, or dehumidifier will absorb the moisture.

(e) Pest Control

This is the only measure left if all other ways aren’t working after identifying early stage signs of termites in furniture. Pest control agencies are specialized in identifying what kind of termites are residing in your home, where they have come from, and how to stop them from spreading.  

Wrapping Up

Termites can ruin the beautiful and affluent decorations of a home in no time. That’s why ascertaining early stage signs of termites in furniture becomes important. It can be a bit difficult for you to spot termites on furniture without knowing the relevant indications. Some common signs of termites include deterioration of the floor, holes in wooden furniture, impacts on house walls, etc.